Complicated Cataract Surgery and Secondary Intraocular Lens Implantation

Why Choose Dr Taneja?

  • Dr Taneja routinely manages patients referred by other eye surgeons for the management of the complex cataract surgery.
  • He has extensive experience in vitrectomy surgery for retained cataract and subluxated lenses. He is able to provide a range of secondary intraocular lens fixation techniques, including sutured and sutureless scleral fixation, Iris Claw IOL and Iris Sutured IOL.
  • He trains the next generation of vitreoretinal surgeons in the management of patients requiring complex cataract surgery.

What Are Cataracts?

  • A cataract is a cloudy crystalline lens. The crystalline lens of the eye is normally highly transparent and helps to focus light on the retina.
  • Loss of transparency of the crystalline lens degrades the image formed by the eye, leading to loss of clarity, glare and sometimes distortion.

Procedure Information

  • In cases where an intact lens must be removed, a vitrectomy performed and a secondary lens sutured, surgery takes up to 90 minutes.
  • Surgery is performed under local anaesthetic with sedation.
  • Patients requiring vitrectomy are generally admitted overnight and discharged home on the following day.